We've all been told that there's nothing new under the sun. But how about under the dark night sky? This is some good news you can add to your "What my dues pay for?" file. Things are looking brighter in Stephens Grove since the board installed new landscape lighting so... read more →
You may have seen some signs of spring coming recently -- an unruly flower popping out ahead of schedule, or some other omen. At this point, we can all sit around and complain about how back in our day, the seasons knew their places, and February was the coldest month... read more →
Yes, we've blogged here about Marie Kondo before. In fact, we've done it twice -- here and here -- and both were at this time of year. Who better to advise homeowners on how to keep their New Year's resolutions against clutter around the house? But now, it's not just... read more →
We tend to think of Christmas traditions as things that were set in time long ago and never vary. But they change from time to time, and place to place. For instance, here at Stephens Grove, we have our own traditions that are particular to our neighborhood, and have come... read more →
If you were reading this blog from thousands of miles away, and hadn't been here lately, you might think Stephens Grove consisted of a few nice houses out in the wilderness somewhere. And indeed, we do have some unspoiled nature nearby -- as we keep mentioning, there's Buckeye Cove Nature... read more →
What's your favorite time of the year? A huge portion of the population will wax poetic (more or less) about spring: the disappearance of the cold, the resumption of life, the showers, the flowers. But not if they are prone to miserable allergies caused by said flowers. Summer is celebrated... read more →
We've talked about home maintenance on this blog before... Actually, we thought we had, but looking back over these last few years, it turns out we've mostly just talked about yard maintenance. In any case, here we go again.... Did you get that email that went out the other day,... read more →
Next time you sit down to pay your bills, it will be a little easier. Not that it will be easier to pay all of them -- we don't mean to over-promise. But it should definitely be easier to pay one of them -- your HOA bill! That's because now,... read more →
No matter how wonderful your summer vacation, leaving the familiar conveniences of home can be a hassle. And coming home can be worse, as contradictory as that may seem. So aside from making lengthy lists and sublists to make sure you take everything with you that you need, or might... read more →
The New York Times reported last week that "It’s Going to Be Dangerously Hot for 100 Million Americans." Then it added, "Nearly a third of the U.S. population was under an extreme heat warning, with heat indexes in some cities climbing over 110 degrees, meteorologists said." But you didn't need... read more →